
TheofficialSpamInfoBotbyTelegram.Helpsuserswithlimitedaccountsregainthefullfunctionality.SendMessage.IfyouhaveTelegram,youcancontact,TG-Spamisaneffective,self-hostedanti-spambotspecificallycraftedforTelegramgroups.SettingitupisstraightforwardasaDockercontainer, ...,SpamFAQ·1.Whathappenedtomyaccount?·2.CanIsendanymessages?·3.WhywasIreported?·4.Whatcouldpeoplereportmefor?·5.WhatdoIdonow?·6.I' .....

Contact @SpamBot

The official Spam Info Bot by Telegram. Helps users with limited accounts regain the full functionality. Send Message. If you have Telegram, you can contact

GitHub - umputuntg-spam: Anti

TG-Spam is an effective, self-hosted anti-spam bot specifically crafted for Telegram groups. Setting it up is straightforward as a Docker container, ...

Spam FAQ

Spam FAQ · 1. What happened to my account? · 2. Can I send any messages? · 3. Why was I reported? · 4. What could people report me for? · 5. What do I do now? · 6. I' ...

Spam Info Bot Telegram Bots

Spam Info Bot Telegram Bots are a tool for broadcasting your public messages to large audiences. Home Discovery Bots Telegram Spam Info Bot.

Spam Info Bot一键解封限制

如果您希望分享此项目,请直接分享此频道的链接。我们的社区支持群仅用于获取关于Spam Info Bot解封电报发送垃圾邮件信息的支持,感谢。

Telegram keeps flagging me for spam even though I've ...

2023年2月27日 — I have no VPNs active. I sent no spamming messages. I did not do any inappropriate behaviour. This has been happening since I first started ...

Telegram Spam Info Bot 新型和传统封禁方法与解封手段

2021年3月4日 — What is spam? BOT:. In general, people don't like getting unsolicited advertisements, links, invite links to groups or channels and any ...

TgDev – telegram bots for anti

TgDev project provides a number of bots to fight spam in your chat. Each bots solves a specific task: removing links, media, messages in specific languages, ...

[Q] Message I Didn't Send to Spam Info Bot

2022年9月2日 — I'm having this exact problem, yesterday i was having a session on Safari from Riga, Latvia, closed it and changed my password. today i woke up ...